Our Offices are Open
The offices are open, however during the coronavirus outbreak we may temporarily adjust our office hours.
*Per CDC guidelines, all patients and guests must wear a face while in our offices. The face mask should cover your mouth and nose to help protect you, our staff, and other patients.
To adhere to social distancing guidelines, bring only essential guest with you to the office. Everyone will be required to go through the screening process prior to entering the clinic.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are Telemedicine/Virtual Visits Available?
Yes. In an effort to help our patients receive care without requiring an office visit, we are now offering TeleVisits. Most insurance companies are waiving co-pays (and in some cases, deductibles) for virtual visits during the coronavirus pandemic. While we cannot guarantee this waiver, you can check with your insurance company for their current policy.
Is It Okay to Get My Allergy Shot?
Yes. As always, provided you do not have a fever, or had a fever in the past 14 days, it is safe to get your allergy shot. Adherence to all therapies and medications is recommended, especially during this time. 30 Minute Wait After Immunotherapy Injection
Although the risk of reaction after receiving an allergy immunotherapy injection is quite small, the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology guidelines recommend that patients wait in the office for 30 minutes after receiving their allergy immunotherapy injection to ensure immediate medical attention is available if needed. To help facilitate social distancing, after check-in, patients may be permitted to wait outside the clinic prior to their injection. If available, you may be able to wait your 30 minutes in an exam room. Please check with our office for details.
If I Am Coming to the Office for an Injection or If I Need to Be Seen by the Provider, What Steps Are Being Taken to Ensure Safety?
Our clinic is taking extra precautions to protect those in our waiting areas, shot and exam rooms. All AllergyCorp Group staff are wearing masks and other PPE as warranted. Based on the CDC’s recent recommendations, we ask all patients wear a face mask while in our offices. The mask should cover your mouth and nose. Additional measures include social distancing, additional cleaning protocols, symptom screenings, and daily staff health checks.
Current Screening Guidelines for In-Office Visits
We ask you to call in advance or reschedule appointments if you answer ‘yes’ to any of the following:
• Have you, or anyone in your household, had a fever in the past 14 days (fever is a temperature of 100 or above)?
• Have you had a cough and/or shortness of breath in the past 14 days?
• Have you experienced at least two of the following symptoms in the past 14 days: fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell?
• Have you had contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19?
• Have you had contact with a person who has been exposed to a confirmed case of COVID-19?
• For more information on the symptoms of COVID-19 see CDC website.
Going Forward, We Ask That All Patients Adhere to the Following Procedures:
• If you are sick, call the office in advance. Patients with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 will not be permitted in our offices. You should speak with a nurse who will assess your symptoms and consult with your provider to determine the best way to deliver care.
• All patients and guests will be screened at the front door of the clinic (using CDC guidelines) for fever, symptoms, travel history, and exposure risk.
• Per CDC recommendations, please wear your face mask covering your mouth and nose while in the office. This applies to patients and all visitors.
• Patients who come to the office should bring only essential guest. Patients under the age of 18 should be accompanied by one adult/family member to reduce the number of people in the office.
• Patients over the age of 65 and patients with immunodeficiency diseases should contact your office to assess the need for an office visit. A telehealth visit may be a better alternative at this time.
• Bring your rescue inhaler: Asthmatics coming for an office visit should bring their albuterol rescue inhaler with them. For safety reasons, we are not able to offer nebulizer treatments during this time.
• Adjust your shot schedule: If you are an allergy immunotherapy patient and are unable to get to your office for an extended period, contact your AllergyCorp Group office as we may be able to adjust your shot schedule. Compliance with all medications and therapies is essential, especially now. Your Health Is Our Top Priority We are committed to keeping you educated and informed. We continue to monitor the situation and update you on this evolving public health crisis. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our office.
AllergyCorp Group welcomes the privilege of working with referring physicians on the evaluation and care of their patients
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The AllergyCorp Group clinics serve as a state-of-the-art medical facilities with the latest diagnostics and treatment for allergy, sinus, nasal, asthma, and allergic skin disorders.
The AllergyCorp Group staff is committed to superior, high-quality patient care. We strongly encourage preventative care and place a strong emphasis on patient education and counseling. We offer a full range of in-office diagnostic and treatment services for both adult and children (5 yrs. and older).
Dimitri Z Pitovski, MD
Otolaryngology / Allergy
“Clinic for Evaluation and Management of Adults and Children with Allergy and Asthma Disorders” “Diagnoses and Manages Cases of Allergy Skin Disorders”
Allergy / Asthma Clinic
Allergic Skin Disorders Clinic